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Welcome to Trozan: For King & Country or Gold & Glory

07:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Trozan: For King & Country or Gold & Glory

The kingdom of Trozan, as a unified kingdom, is fairly young, measured in mere centuries.  Prior to that time, the human settlements of Trozan were under various tribal groupings and warchiefs, before one such warchief started conquering others until much of the continent lay under his rule.  While  Trozan is a nation of humans, there are also client-nation and other treaty-based relationships with demi-humans within that territory.  While humanoid races are often part of invading armies and other groups such as bandits, if members of those races are in the lands of Trozan and follow the laws of Trozan, they are accepted (ie killing a law-abiding orc merchant simply because he is an orc would result in murder charges).  While the government is fairly stable and much of the populated land is peaceful, there are dangers in the less populated regions, and also old castles and towers to explore, forsaken temples and forgotten cities, dangerous woods, and other such places.  And if that is not enough, there are places in the neighboring lands, as well as the occasional skirmish on the borders that might flare into something more, and growing hints of forces working to bring down Trozan altogether.

To the west, there is the Xamara Empire which occupies  significant territory on the west as well as the large islands of Zaliki and Qamisi further to the west.  This is generally considered to be an evil land, much of the territory is hot and desert-like.  Nonetheless, Xamara is the source of many fine goods—fine pottery, carpets, woven goods, spices and fine perfumes.  There have been various border skirmishes, and one might take work as a caravan guard into Xamara.  However, it is best to be very careful, for in Xamara, laws are meted out with little mercy—public amputations may be the punishment for minor crimes and public beheadings for the more serious crimes.  Slavery is common, and the wise non-Xamaran stays strictly to the narrow ways of trade and does not get curious about anything outside those accepted inns and trading posts and the narrow scope of the job.

To the north is Asgarnia—like Trozan before unification, this is a land ruled in small tribes and settlements.  This is a harsh, northern land with large swaths of tundra and permafrost making travel between settlements somewhat perilous and dampening any unification fights, as it is easy for defenders who need only hold a narrow pass to prevent conquering armies from seizing their land.  Various kings and warlords claim holdings, frequently sending raiders south into the lands of Trozan to loot and sack villages or acquire goods that are not available in the less hospitable lands of Asgarnia.

To the east is the land alternately known as the Wilderness, the Badlands, or the Holding of Hordes.  In any case, what is true is that it is largely populated by extreme “rugged individualist” sorts and humanoid tribes who thus far seem to alternate between a blood-letting amongst the different populations and attempts to raid the fertile lands to their west in Trozan. This is a land of danger and mystery, with little law to be found in the land at large, although some of the humanoid tribes do have laws in their community, the reach is only within those bounds.