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Welcome to [PF2e] Return of the RNGlords

11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[PF2e] Return of the RNGlords

Are you looking for something different? Something exciting and refreshing compared to the same old same old RPG experience you've had time and time again? Then look no further then Praguepride's Old School Pathfinder RNG-a-rama.

Old School
Back in 1st edition D&D you didn't know what you were going to play. You just picked up 3d6 and rolled in order. It was brutal and the system wasn't nearly as dependent on stats as the more modern systems were but it was also exciting to discover your character. It was a completely different experience to essentially have your stats given to you and you had to then figure out how to make that character a hero. I'm not that forgiving but I am also a little tired of players begging for super stats. I've always felt that the player makes the character, not the mechanics. Therefore character creation will be 4d6 drop the lowest in order. After that you can pick your class/race from the standard core races (elf/dwarf/human/halfling/gnome/dwarf/hybrids). Classes can be picked from any of the main core/base classes excluding Occult/Vigilante and other newer stuff.

What can I say? I love the system. I know the rules inside and out and despite being resistant to it I've learned to really love the Golarion setting. I came into Pathfinder like most from the 3.5 to 4E debacle. I resisted the Golarion setting preferring my comfortable Forgotten Realms but over time the depth and quality of Golarion has won me over. Therefore this will be a Golarion campaign. I will probably be running a customized and modified adventure path or module but as part of the excitement I don't even know what I'll be running because...

We aren't just RNGing the character stats. We will be using the Ultimate Campaign background generator to detail out your character's parents, family, adolescence, career training, first love etc. If you've never looked at it, it is pretty neat and comprehensive as a way to point you towards certain traits or even feats that can be unlocked with the right roll. When character creation is mostly done and we've gotten a good feeling for what kind of characters will be in the party THEN I will determine what game we're going to play. It might end up that because the party is a bunch of rogue-ish thieves or political debutantes that it might scream one adventure or another but if nothing seems an obvious fit I am planning to roll 2d12 and just take the results. That means everything from Curse of the Crimson Throne to the brand new Return of the Ruinlords is on the table (plus a couple of fun looking modules to round out the list).

Come take a unique, one-of-a-kind journey with me into the exciting world of the unknown! And if it just so happens everyone rolls poorly...fudge it we'll just grab We Be Goblins and have a blast!