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Welcome to (PbtA) Dungeon World: Blood, toil, tears and sweat

18:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(PbtA) Dungeon World: Blood, toil, tears and sweat

The world has erupted in war:

The Reich: a charismatic and fascist Chancellor has seized power and sent forth his occupying armies to conquer the Great Forest.

The Empire: standing with the Reich, the child Emperor of the Sapphire Islands consolidates recent gains.

The Duchy: a cult of personality forms around the Duke and he chooses to align with the Reich to consolidate his power in the River Delta.

La Nationale: a nation lays shattered at the Chancellor's feet, it's armies scattered with loyal citizens plotting in secret to resist in the River Delta.

The Emirates: smaller and less powerful clans of the Vast Desert are withering beneath the Chancellor's lightning attacks and shock troops.

The Republic, The Parliament, The Kingdom and the The Council: a powerful alliance forms west of the Towering Mountains; elves, dwarves, halflings and humans put aside their differences and fight as one.

The Central Party: the empire and the alliance are challenged in the east by the rising forces of the Whispering Plains.

...through clouds of black smoke, tanks treads grind over mud and earth. the skies above, lumbering bombers are swarmed by agile fighters. the open seas, massive iron fleets contend with each other for control.

(Dungeon World game set in a dieselepunk fantasy world at war.  Game is placed in mature section as some game material may be considered offensive.  Mature themes, strong language, drug use, violence are permissible.  Romantic encounters are welcome but overtly sexual scenes will fade to black.  In addition to being tasteless, graphic violence is not permitted)