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Welcome to Get Rekt!: Atlantis, Survivalist, Fantasy, Adult FF

00:20, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Get Rekt!: Atlantis, Survivalist, Fantasy, Adult FF

Rarely do you get a chance to influence the fate that befalls

your life, but just this once you do, in such a small way, it's a simple choice

you may not even realize you made, would it really matter if you stepped to the

left or the right if either way would end in the same tragedy, today you will

learn, the answer is Yes most definitely.

To get involved an Get Rekt! please RTJ with a character who is unique for you,

one who has their life back home, their job to go back to, their future

endeavors, they have their history, and they had their future, unique yet

somehow you know them. They are on holidays or at least on the way to their destination,

perhaps they're an accountant on the way to Hawaii or a student ready to study

aboard, or maybe they're a fisherman, or some rich Yachtie, scratch that, super

Yacht owner. The world was your Oyster, whatever you wish it had been.

Whatever it is, you as the player have a chance to

alter their fate, simply made by a heading on your profile of Survival Or

Fantasy, I advise using the magical underline skill which ensures coercing fate,

or perhaps pick the opposite of your desires an a stroke line through it, Serif,

italic, Cursive italic, however it's done make sure it's unique to YOU, this is

your fate. Whatever you pick, just know Monotype will always have unpredictable


From there all that is left is to trust, entrust that adventure lies ahead and

who knows perhaps romance can even over come adversity.