Adrian Lucrece
Full Name: Adrian Emile Lucrece
Date of Birth: 1722
Date of Death: 1750
Apparent Age: 28
Actual Age: 293
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of Birth: New Orleans, LA
Ethnicity: Caucasian (French Creole)
Religion: Catholic
Degree of Religious Practice: Lapsed
Species: Vampire, Master
Bloodline: Belle Morte
Physical Appearance:
Height: 58
Weight: 178 lbs.
Body Type: Thin and Muscled
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Pale
Birthmarks: Cafe-Au-Lait spots, right flank and back
Scars: Cross shaped scar over heart
Tattoos: None
Physical Disabilities: None
Physical Description: Adrian Lucrece looks and acts like a Southern Gentleman of wealth. A gambler. A riverboat card shark. Perhaps that is why Adrian Lucrece owns two riverboats and two clubs. He dresses well though. He may act like hes almost three centuries removed from time, but he dresses like a man of means. Hes clothes an updated version of what he might have worn on those balmy summer nights, floating down the Mississippi River from St. Louis to New Orleans.
Date of Birth: 1722
Date of Death: 1750
Apparent Age: 28
Actual Age: 293
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of Birth: New Orleans, LA
Ethnicity: Caucasian (French Creole)
Religion: Catholic
Degree of Religious Practice: Lapsed
Species: Vampire, Master
Bloodline: Belle Morte
Physical Appearance:
Height: 58
Weight: 178 lbs.
Body Type: Thin and Muscled
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Pale
Birthmarks: Cafe-Au-Lait spots, right flank and back
Scars: Cross shaped scar over heart
Tattoos: None
Physical Disabilities: None
Physical Description: Adrian Lucrece looks and acts like a Southern Gentleman of wealth. A gambler. A riverboat card shark. Perhaps that is why Adrian Lucrece owns two riverboats and two clubs. He dresses well though. He may act like hes almost three centuries removed from time, but he dresses like a man of means. Hes clothes an updated version of what he might have worn on those balmy summer nights, floating down the Mississippi River from St. Louis to New Orleans.