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Going from RPoL 1.4 to 1.5
Portraits FAQ
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RuBB Code Tips & Tricks
System Abbreviation Acronyms

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RPoL's Adult Games Policy
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Adult Rules FAQ
Background to All Our Rules

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Technical FAQ on RPoL

The questions below are answered directly by jase, our beloved Dictator and President for Life here at RPoL.

+ Why?

Traditional BBSs aren't designed for role-play and when I was looking for an RP site I couldn't find any that had all features I thought necessary.

+ What bulletin board system does RPoL use?

Roleplay Unlimited Bulletin Board (RuBB): my very own custom-written system.  It's a silly name -- I did it for the acronym.  And as a dig.

+ What is RuBB written in?

100% hand coded Perl and PHP.

+ Did you do it all?


+ Who runs the site?

I maintain and administer RPoL.  cruinne, elSpike, IronSite, Jhael, Skald, Shannara, and bigbadron are system moderators.  Worth mention are bigbadron, lou, JohnB, and Shannara who are a great help with FoRPoL.  Plus then there's... okay okay, I should stop now.

+ What does the site run on?

A dedicated web server -- an Intel Quad Core 2.4 GHz with 2GB RAM and mirrored 250GB SATA drives.

+ Who came up with the site design?

Well you all drew the short straw on that one: I did, and I'm not artistic.  I just put down a format that seemed to present the links and information needed in the best way possible.

+ What did you make the design in?

A notepad-like equivalent.  No fancy editor for me, at all.  Trial and error, lots of.

+ Why doesn't the page validate as (X)HTML?

Buggy and weird browsers, simple as that.  If I take out the invalid stuff then RPoL won't look very good in some browsers.

+ But if it's the browsers problem...

I know, but I've made it mine.  I think it's more important the site looks as uniform as possible across as many browsers as possible.

+ But validation is important!

Just let it be, the users are more important.

+ Can I have the source code?

Nope.  There are several reasons: it's a complete mess, the back-end is hardware intensive, and I'm not quite ready to let go of my baby yet.

+ Can I have a list of the e-mail addresses that have been registered?

Sure, when Satan sleighs to work you can.

+ Do you have popup adverts or spyware?

Of course.  Say, that's a nice top you're wearing. (Read all that as "No, you idiot!")

Last updated: 18:27, Sun 02 Oct 2011.
Direct link: http://new.rpol.net/help/?t=faqs&page=technicalfaq